Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Grieving Father Reflects on the Cross

I am posting a blog that I had on the page, Prayers for Will Smith. I am going to be blogging on a weekly basis but this has apparently touched several people and I want to reshare. For those who have already seen it, it may look a little more refined. For others, I hope my life experiences can offer some"good news'. I pray that my sharing of despair and victory will touch a cord in all who walk with me and we can journey down this road together triumphantly.

Original post was on April 18th, 2014. I reflected on a Good Friday Service and the theatrical representation of the final days in the life of Jesus Christ.

Mark 14: 34-36
And he said to them, I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here, and keep awake." And going a little farther he threw himself on the ground and prayed that if at all possible, the hour might pass from him. He said, "Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want."

I sat and watched an actor lift up the prayer, "Take this cup from me." I saw the same actor hung on a cross in remembrance of the agony that Jesus suffered. I saw the people at the cross praying and I saw the last three weeks flash before me. 
William was all through the service tonight and I reflected back on some of the experiences I had. 
One in particular came to mind. On the day we were waiting for the second test I got to pray a supernatural prayer. One in which I fervently prayed for Will's healing. During that moment I realized I was taking authority for my son's life. I understood that my son was covered under my protection under the blood of Christ. I remember seeing a gray veil over his body that I prayed away and then I envisioned a white light growing inside my son's brain. Looking back I realize that I was given the privilege of ushering my son into the arms of God. I believe William received the ultimate healing in that moment and that has defined the blessing in the days that have followed.

Tonight I felt the sacrifice that was made for us. I understand praying for the outcome to be different and getting a different kind of blessing. I also understand what a father feels to release his son. Our heavenly Father loves us more than I could ever love my son, yet he released his only son on the cross to face the darkness. I can only imagine what that sacrifice really means. 

Thank You HUMC for a powerful night!

In the days following that night at church, I  I have begun to realize how much I have grown over the last several years. I have gone from despair to blessings even while suffering  a tragic event. I am beginning to understand what the other side of Good Friday looks like. 

I am awake into the victorious life of Christ

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